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Related Topics : Good conservation practices for essential oils - characteristics of essential oils - Aromatic waters - Methods of extraction of essential oils - Organic essential oils - Essential oils and astrological functions - Essential oils and olfactory notes - Eucalyptus essential oil - lavender essential oil - lemon essential oil - rosemary essential oil - sage essential oil - thyme essential oil - Operational practice in the extraction of essential oils - Purification and rectification of essential oils - Yield in the extraction of essential oils - Use of essential oils

The following is part of the partial transcription of some practical operational meetings to explain the distillation of essential oils in the amateur sector and the possibility for everyone to produce an excellent essential oil themselves using the "steam current" extraction technique

The functionality of the plants from which to extract Essential Oils from an astrological point of view, are divided into various types that take their name from our Solar System.

Saturn functionality

The Saturnine Functionality, in its multiple manifestations, sees Saturn as the limit of demarcation between immaterial and material. Coagulating force that acts both on the formation of kinetic processes that bring matter into existence and on psychic processes until their condensation that generates new potentialities. It explodes in a higher phase (Saturn's position in the birth chart of each of us wants to mean a limit that should be overcome in the course of existence by the individual).
In this typology we will have palingenetic plants (of rebirth or renewal). Plants belonging more largely to the psychic sphere which, as such, should not be approached with impunity unless a preventive purification of the whole Being is carried out first. Herbs that Nature has protected from prying hands by providing them with strong toxicity, among the highest that can exist among plants. In general, these plants possess remarkable therapeutic virtues but also in many cases their use is allowed only to people who possess a specific preparation. At one time they were in fact plants of which much has been talked about in medieval and earlier alchemy, but as described in many texts those who used them had already passed the initial stages of initiation into the Art and knew the methods of processing to transform a poisonous organism into a powerful healing tool. Among the saturnine plants there are the totality of funerary plants, to indicate the kingdom of the dead, the kingdom of the afterlife, where the one who wants to leave the form, the one who wants to begin the path of palingenesis, must go. We find plants that are guarding the cemeteries and therefore a symbol of immortality, always green, with very fragrant wood and with great incorruptibility and rottenness. The coffin in which the pontiff is buried in the Christian tradition is made of cypress wood, a typically saturnine plant. This is well known to the carpenters who use these woods for the construction of works that require resistance to the weather and the passage of time.

a little bit of mythology and not just

Under this Function we will find healing, centralizing, coagulant plants that bring maximum kinetic centralization. The mythological history of Saturn speaks through these symbols. According to the Hesiod of Theogony, Saturn ate all the children of Rhea. When Jupiter was born, Rhea took refuge on Crete and hid his son in an inaccessible and deep cavern. Then he wrapped a large stone in rags and gave it to Kronos (Saturn) who swallowed it, believing him to be his son. Jupiter, once an adult, faced his father, defeated him and forced him to vomit his children and, with them, the famous stone he had swallowed believing it to be Jupiter. Jupiter (Zeus) placed the stone in Delphi, near Parnassus, to the amazement of all men. This is the famous Black Stone the lapis niger, common to all religions, the first step that is taken by the hermetician who is preparing to follow the path of palingenesis of alchemical work. The black stone indicates the material that has reached this colour following the hermetic process of dissolution and putrefaction. Dissolution and putrefaction are resolved, in the spiritual field, in the mortification of the principles which must be purged, which must be dissolved and putrefied so that, from them, new pure elements may arise.
In the material field (phytotherapy) in analogy to the spiritual one, we will find among the saturnine herbs powerful antiseptics that operate each in one sign rather than another. For example, the clay subject characterized by specific saturnine, has antibacterial and disinfectant qualities such as to be used to purify drinking water and in the disinfection of objects.

Jupiter Functionality

Jupiter's functionality is linked to the whole complex hormonal function whose main seat is located in the hypothalamus area. Plants linked to Jupiter's functionality were considered fertilisers of men and are protagonists of myths and legends in which sexual activity is an integral part of the symbolism of the plants themselves. At the center of facts and surrounded by people or Gods contribute to a single image. An example is given to us by the apple tree, whose fruit is linked to sexual activity and whose use was forbidden for higher causes (the value of the limit, a concept to be taken into account nowadays in which man seems to arrogate the right to act with impunity on everything) and has led to the punishment narrated in the biblical tradition. This tree is placed at the center of Eden, as a symbol of fall, of duality, of separation of the sexes; "mala" in Latin, plural of malus, were called the genitals. The symbolism of sexual plants wants to represent the youthful sense of eternal becoming, of eternal creation, because the sexual act, for the ancients, has never represented a voluptuous act but a rite, with a double purpose, the perpetuation of the species and the path towards the recomposition of androgyny. Among the youthful plants we find aphrodisiac herbs, and if some are not classified as such, it is their mythological stories that propose them to us as follows.

Mars functionality

Mars represents the finalized action or what is done for a purpose that must be achieved, the effort that must be sustained to give shape to one's own will.
Among the Martian plants are plants which, like the analogous thyroid hormone linked to Mars, give tone to the organism. There are herbs that support the action of the heart, cardiotonic herbs that help the arterial circulation to reach normal levels so that the effort is evenly distributed in the body.
There are no imposing tall trees belonging to the two largest systems represented in our solar system: Jupiter and Saturn but there are small trees, bushes, herbaceous plants, vegetable species which, also used as food, are excellent tonic. We have plants that help the disintegration and assimilation of the food we ingest, stomachic plants and others that stimulate the nervous system and, finally, plant individuals that act directly on the blood, the analogical symbol of Mars.

Sun functionality

In opposition to the fire, which has materialized and contracts, of the saturnine symbolism the Sun is the fire that expands. If Saturn (which expresses fears, caution, limits, frustrations, etc.) is the intelligence that descends and coagulates in matter with all its limits, the Sun (which expresses activism, causality, vitality) is the action of free intelligence without constraints. Sun and Saturn represent the two eternal antagonists, the forcing power in the face of liberating power. The solar trees are associated with the intellectual symbolism that makes itself pure and clear, as well as being stimulating, the plants belonging to this Function are excellent regulators of cardiac activity. Since light is essentially a solar quality, some of them are effective for eye therapy.

Venus Functionality

Venus was born from the sea foam caused by the genitals of Uranus, thrown from Saturn after having avoided its father. When Fire descends to earth and crystallizes in matter (Saturn), life is born, which manifests itself in its dual polarity represented by Venus. The Ancestral Energy rises, as the Chinese say, which, coming out of the kidneys, is divided into Yin energy, negative, and Yang energy, positive. In front of the Aries which contains the symbol of blood, there is Libra (symbol of the kidneys) which operates so that the blood remains pure.
Venusine plants are typically feminine, plants that calm, purifying and, by virtue of the Sign and the Potentiality associated with them, are diuretic, refreshing, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. In this functionality we will have herbs that regularize the basal metabolism and, for the link with the genitals, plants that solve sexual problems. Finally for the lordship of Venus on Taurus there are among them excellent remedies against throat and pharynx disorders.

Mercury Functionality

Mercury is the interchange function that exists between two non-homogeneous states separated from each other. It is the true messenger who has the faculty to pass from one plane to another, between an inside that cannot be seen and an outside that is evident to everyone and vice versa.
The Mercurian strong point in the body is the Pancreas in its endocrine section, but there are other organs belonging to the function such as the Lungs, which put the universe world in contact with its own personal world; the mouth which translates the internal sensations into sounds and words; the nervous system which transports the electromagnetic impulses into sensations; the intestine where the passage of matter from a raw state to a more subtle one takes place.
Finally, there is the Philosophical Mercury, true Messenger of the Gods that puts man in communication with the sky, with what is concealed, hidden.
Among the Mercurian plants, besides finding the most specific for the pancreas and therefore very suitable in the treatment of diabetes, there are also the best remedies against bad circulation. There are plants that cure the liver that are invigorating for the nervous system and for the treatment of the resulting disorders, beneficial "pulmonary" plants, excellent expectorants, plants that effectively combat intestinal inflammation and related disorders. There are also herbs that are excellent blood cleansers and remedies against skin diseases due to Mercurian imbalances.

Moon Functionality

The Moon is the last term on the descending scale of the hot sequence. It is the lens that makes all celestial influences converge on earth. Nothing can happen in our sublunar (our) world without the Moon being favourable. It is the compendium of the genetic settenary for which to the Moon belong almost all the plants that feed us and that we find daily on our table. They are those that are left to man to handle and that are cultivated in gardens and fields. Our health and moods depend on their use and use. We must dedicate the maximum care to them during cultivation so that they maintain the qualities that Nature has assigned them.
It is a factor of crescence, but also of decreasing as its phases show, one of which, the increasing, is considered bright, while the decreasing is unfavourable. The parts of the plant in sight, therefore the light will always be collected in phases of crescent moon and in the spring and summer months, while the parts of the plant placed under the soil as the roots will always be collected in phases of waning moon and in autumn and winter months. Among its fruits there will be, therefore, the pure and impure ones, those that increase our materiality (Waning Moon) and those that act on our thinner side (Growing Moon). In antiquity' the organs of reproduction were represented by the symbolism of the Waning Moon in inauspicious cases, and by the Waning Moon in auspicious cases, according to the way sexuality was conceived and implemented.

Il serto di iside vol 1 e 2 kemi Milano 1986
Il volo dei sette ibis, A. Gentili Kemi, Milano
Le piante medicinali per la cura delle malattie Vol. 1, 2, 3, Pelikan W.

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